Tis: “A weekend for my mind to rest”

Paul looks at positives from blank Saturday

With an FA Cup first round loss to Bury meaning that the Grecians are out of action this weekend, manager Paul Tisdale admitted that he welcomed the opportunity to take stock and recharge the batteries.

While a cup run is always welcome, league fixtures have been coming thick and fast recently for City and the opportunity to have some down-time to revitalise is certainly a blessing in disguise.

“It is nice to have a weekend off,” said Tisdale.  “I think the art of managing a team – whether it’s football or anything – is to dress up the positives.  And the positive from this weekend is the chance to recuperate, assess our season so far, and have a rest.

“I do need to have a rest, though I’ll probably take in a game over the weekend at some point, and maybe watch the rugby.  Most importantly, I’ll be ready for next week and energised – you can get that from watching another game, a game from another league, or a local team.  It’s a weekend really for my mind to rest.”

Click here to watch the whole interview with Tis on Grecian Player, where he talks about the rollercoaster ride that 2012/13 has been so far, looks ahead to the forthcoming transfer window, and appraises Tommy Doherty’s contract.