Ownership Statement

The Club operates and carries out its activities through the following commercial entity:

Exeter City Football Club
St James Park
Stadium Way

Registered Exeter City AFC Limited company number: 97808
Club VAT number: 141016425

For the purposes of Football League Regulations, we can confirm that no individuals own a significant interest (i.e. 10% or more) in the Club. We are a Trust-owned Football Club. 

Exeter City AFC Ltd has an authorised share capital of £40,000 and an issued share capital of 30,941 x £1 ordinary shares + 6,032 x £1 preference shares. Both classes of share have equal voting rights. 

There are 121 separate shareholders listed in the register accounting for 36,973.

Two current shareholders own 10% or more of the shares, that being the Exeter City AFC Supporters' Society Limited, (Industrial and Provident Society registered under the Cooperative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. Company number: 29339R) who hold 57.9% of the issued share capital of the company, and the executors of Mr I Doble (deceased) who holds 12.3%. 

Two additional shareholders own 7.41% + 5.09% respectively, being the only other holdings over 5% and only three further shareholders have more than 1% of the share capital of the company.