Media Manager appointment

Julian Tagg announces Richard Dorman's arrival

Exeter City have a new Media Manager. The club's CEO, Julian Tagg, made the announcement this afternoon


'Exeter City would like to welcome Richard Dorman to the club, who will take over the responsibility of Media Manager from Monday.


The Media Manager is a very important role and, in the interim, Chris Parsons stood up to the plate and has done remarkably well. It was – and remains – a huge job with a very steep learning curve and the club is extremely grateful to Chris for the professionalism and dedication shown in this period.


Richard will take over the position that Pete Evans held for the past three-and-a-half years, before he took on his new role with Press Association last month.


During his time working for Exeter, Pete did a quite incredible job of continually improving all facets of the club’s media output, including the website, programme, social media – and just about anything that needed doing to help our club. In many respects, Pete’s tireless work over the past few years has laid solid foundations which we can continue to build on. We will be supporting Richard as he finds his feet with all the different aspects of the position.


Rest assured that Richard will be living and breathing this club like the rest of us to make sure that our fans get the great service they deserve. He’s under no illusions about the level of dedication that is needed to make a success of this role. So please make him welcome at the club – and of course feed him your suggestions! – as we look to continually improve the experience at the club for our fans.


Julian Tagg

CEO Exeter City Football Club