Taking Christmas cheer to Bramble Ward

Players take time out to deliver Christmas joy

Exeter City players (as well as Grecian the Lion and Build-A-Bear), headed down to the Bramble Ward unit of the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital last week, to deliver Christmas delight to youngsters that are spending the festive period in hospital.

As well making Christmas come early for the children by delivering festive gifts from Exeter City and Build-A-Bear, the players also took the time to have a chat to the kids and brought smiles to their faces.

Mark Jenkins, Senior Commercial Manager at Exeter City, said: “It was a pleasure to once again visit the Bramble Ward this Christmas and to bring a little bit of happiness to those children that are having to spend the festive period in hospital.

“Some of the players that were in attendance are parents and some aren’t, but every one of them understood exactly how much it meant to the kids on the Bramble Ward to have a surprise visit.  Just the look on the children’s face when the Exeter City team turned up made the whole day worthwhile.

“So thanks to the RD&E Hospital for letting us share Christmas with them once again and to Build-A-Bear for being so supportive again.”