Pat: “We’re pleased with a clean sheet”

Baldwin assesses Aldershot’s visit to St James Park

Centre-half Pat Baldwin felt that keeping a clean sheet against Aldershot was a positive that the Grecians could take from the goalless draw.

Asa Hall came closest to grabbing a goal for the Shots by hitting the bar on his debut, having joined on loan on deadline day.  But plenty of defensive resolve kept an Aldershot team – who had pushed Middlesbrough all the way the previous weekend – at bay over the 90 minutes.  With City having conceded merely one goal from open play in 2013 (during the 2-1 win at York City), Pat feels that keeping out the Shots’ shots was an encouraging sign.

“It was quite pleasing that we kept a clean sheet,” said Baldwin.  “That’s a big positive to take out of it.  It wasn’t a great day for a game of football really – it suited them more than it did us.  So we’re pleased that we ground a result out, because it was a game today where you had to grind a result.”

With conditions being particularly tough, he also felt that the conditions were suited to a team with a more agricultural style like Aldershot, than it was to Exeter City.

“It was difficult for us because we try and play football – we try and do it the right way, so it suited their style of football.  But that’s the league we’re in and that’s what we have to deal with.  But I thought by keeping a clean sheet we dealt with it quite well.”

The Grecians’ next game at St James Park is in a little under two weeks.  Following next Saturday’s trip to Morecambe – City’s first visit to the newly-built Globe Arena – it’ll then be a Friday night clash against Accrington under the floodlights.

With the game falling on Friday 19th February, it’s a rare chance for kids to come to an evening fixture that doesn’t fall on a school-night, as well as opening the door to Exeter’s retail workers and footballers that play Saturday matches in the area.  So Pat is hopeful that a good crowd will come to cheer them on and offer some home comforts.

“I love night games, they’re brilliant,” Pat continued.  “So hopefully the crowd can get behind us and support us, and hopefully we can give them something to shout about.

“When the crowd do get behind us, it does make a difference.  We need them to be patient, and that’s really important at the moment because we’re finding it difficult at home.  If they’re patient and support us, I can see us getting some really good results at home.”