Have you got the skills to help Jamie?

Help to give the Fountain Centre a makeover

Jamie Vittles, who heads our Football in the Community (FITC), is hoping to find someone to lead the charge in renovating the Fountain Centre next door to St James Park.  Are you able to help?

We’re on the lookout for someone with building skills who could assess what work needs doing, and who could oversee the work to completion.  We’re hoping to find someone that can begin helping out as soon as possible, and once we get this person in place there will almost certainly follow calls for further skilled and unskilled volunteers to get the job done.

The building will be primarily be used as a centre of education during the day, as FITC are extending their provision in this area from their current BTEC course to include degree students, school-age children and professional footballers, as well as other groups.

There will also be plenty of use for the building for other Grecian groups, our Supporters’ Trust, and the local community in the St James area.

Are you the person to help FITC with this vital role, which will make a real contribution to them, the Trust and the club?

Please contact Catherine Fraser at Football in the Community on catherine.fraser@exetercityfc.co.uk or 07786 337433, with a brief CV detailing your experience in the first instance.