Olivia thanks Brazil

If you don’t know, Olivia Hancock is a little girl who lives in the Midlands but is a big City fan.  She is a mascot whenever she can be at away games up country.

She had the fortune to be invited to the Olympic Men’s Football Final last year when Brazil, with the likes of Neymar and Oscar in the squad, sadly lost 2-1 to Mexico.

The big thing is that it was the CBF President, Jose Maria Marin, who met her earlier in the Olympics and then invited her to the Final as his guest when he realised that she was an Exeter City fan.  All Brazilians know about us and she told him all about Exeter City’s historic link to Brazil, which goes all the way back to 1914

A touching YouTube clip has been made to say thank you to all of Olivia’s Brazilian friends and you can see it below. You’ll see that she met all the stars from both the Brazilian Men’s and Women’s teams at the Olympics as well as Mr Marin.

Olivia hopes, as we all do, that City are one day Brazil bound once again.