Set your ‘Grecian Goal’!

Join the 40 GG pledgers and help your club!

Grecian Goal are looking for more pledgers to join their movement, in order to help Exeter City Football Club raise cash for projects – and to help add to the £7,000 that they have already collected for a series of specific ventures for our club.

Currently Grecian Goal has around 40 members, who contribute funds in a bingo-style fashion and have some fun in doing it.  Pledgers set their own terms and conditions, ranging from the sensible to the eccentric – some past examples of pledges include £1 per goal scored by City, 50p if no cards, £10 if a seagull lands on the pitch whilst the game is in progress, £1 if Tis wears  a hat – £5 if he also wears a cravat!

Members are kept in the loop throughout the year and their pledges are collected at Christmas and at the end of the season.

The original Grecian Goal was set up by Dacre Holloway as a fundraiser for City – his first project was to raise enough to money to drain the training pitch at the Cat & Fiddle, which at the time was very boggy.

The idea was revived in 2009 after Dacre’s untimely death, and Grecian Goal has since raised over £7,000 for small, specific projects to benefit either fans or the team.

Money has been raised for Pitch In, for an iPad to aid the coaching staff, for floodlight repairs and for signage around St James Park.  And just last season Grecian Goal bought equipment for our tea huts, a drier for the laundry at the Cat & Fiddle and a new therapy bed for our physio.  The search is currently on for new projects to aim for in our next campaign.

It’s a fun way of getting involved by helping to raise cash at an affordable rate and making a difference with some really tangible outcomes. 

If you’re interested in getting involved in Grecian Goal, please contact Elaine David on or by ringing 01392 875 804.