Trust forum before Bradford game

Come and share your views on Saturday 16th March

Exeter City Supporters’ Trust will be holding their next members’ forum at St James Park on Saturday 16th March. 

This forum will take place in the Centre Spot bar prior to our game against Bradford City, beginning at 11am and ending around 12.15pm.

We want to get away from the format of recent forums where members of the Trust Board have tended to talk to you, and you have had limited opportunity to get involved.

For this event we are interested in your opinions!

As you know, last year we circulated a survey amongst members, and we are still processing all of the information that came back to us.  If you want to look at our initial write-up of the responses click here.

At this forum there will be a brief introduction from one of the Survey team and then the plan is to split you into small groups to look at selected pieces of the feedback we received to do with recruitment, fundraising, and the Trust’s image.  Don’t worry if you don’t like speaking out in a large group – you won’t have to.  We’ll make sure we have suitable volunteers there to feed back the discussion from the small groups in case any group can’t elect their own scribe or spokesperson.

But please do come prepared to try and answer the questions we will be posing you.

The Trust Board can’t improve the Trust by themselves.  We want to hear your views on the issues we are highlighting for this Forum.  Together, let’s make this the year we really progress our Trust!