“This is what it’s what it’s all about”

Taggy lauds the input from all corners at the Feniton tournament

Exeter City’s Chief Executive Julian Tagg has hailed Exeter City’s 6-a-side Youth Tournament as a ‘fantastic example’ of the powerful and positive effect that supporters can have for the football club.

Last weekend, over 1300 kids from 165 teams were involved in the youth tournament at Feniton Football Club – and the event was supported by an army of supporters that gave up their free time to contribute at the event and make the day run smoothly.

Volunteers turned out in significant numbers to make sure the tournament was enjoyed by everyone.  Members of the East Devon Grecians, Exeter City Supporters Club, Senior Reds, the Supporters’ Trust, the Red Army junior supporters’ club, Football in the Community, the Academy and the under-18 squad – not to mention club staff – all gave up their weekend to help out.  They took on a broad spectrum of roles including tending the car park, operating the refreshment stalls, manning the barbecue, administration of the tournament and refereeing games.

Taggy saw the event as a shining example of everything that’s good about Exeter City and outlined that there were opportunities for all fans to contribute in taking the club forward.

He said: “It goes to show what we can achieve as a club when we’re all pulling in the same direction.  For an event of that scale, it needs all hands on deck to make it a success, and last weekend was a prime example of a supporters-owned club at its best.

“This is what it’s all about – it is a fantastic example of what makes us special as a community club.  What was achieved by those people at the Feniton tournament gets right to the heart of the ethos of Exeter City and what we should continue to strive towards – and many people can be very proud of their efforts and what they achieved.

“Even more poignant is that we should have had such brilliant backing from all corners of the club for a youth tournament, as that is where so much of our commitment lies.  We consistently offer fantastic prices on matchdays and on season tickets for kids, we continue as a club to support Simon Hayward’s efforts at the Academy and the young players they produce.  Jamie Vittles and his team at our Football in the Community charity do also incredible work for young and old people alike in our community in Exeter and around Devon, helping people from all walks of life.

“So it’s a humbling experience to see all that determination and will-to-succeed in action from ordinary fans that have raised their heads above the parapet and made themselves count.  We encourage all our fans to take their opportunities at a fans-owned club like ours – when supporters contribute by giving their time and energy to their club, it gives us the opportunity to push on toward the goals we’re aiming for.”