Baldwin’s Brazil Blog – Day 3

Pat on getting ready to face Fluminense

It was an early start for us today with a 7.30am breakfast followed by a team meeting at 8.30am for Tis to tell us the plan for the day.

We have only been here fully for two days, but we are already familiar with the ‘Brazilian’ way – in that plans can change every minute.

The plan was to have two sessions in the morning before taking the hour trip into central Rio for a tour of the venue of our game on Sunday.

The pitch we were told we could train on the previous day had a game on, so the day hadn’t even started before our plans had to change.

Taking no chances, and finding a spare pitch amongst the numerous Fluminense academy training sessions, Tis condensed the two planned sessions into one.

After a spot of lunch of the already infamous rice and beans, we made the short trip to Rio to sample the atmosphere of the stadium.

It was a magical place oozing with history from every brick and the lads looked eager to get the game under way.

After that we briefly went to the famous Copacabana beach although slightly overcast!

Yet again, another exciting day and only one more sleep until the historic event to mark the centenary celebrations.