Downloadable Grecians fixture list for smartphone or computer

Get all of the Grecians’ fixtures in one click!

Want to import Exeter City’s entire 2014/15 fixture list straight to your computer or smartphone?

Thanks to Sky Sports’ downloadable calendar, now you can!  And what’s more, subscribing to a calendar means the events will always be up to date with the latest dates, times and coverage information.  So if our fixtures change, your calendar updates automatically.

Just click here on a desktop computer to get your fixture calendar now to import it into your client - it's as simple as that!

In addition, the instructions below cover adding a calendar subscription to some popular devices/apps.

Using Outlook 2010 for Windows

From the selection of ‘Mail’, ‘Calendar’, ‘Contacts’ and ‘Tasks’ - Select ‘Calendar’

In the ribbon, pull down the ‘Open Calendar’ menu

Select ‘From Internet’

Right-click here and select 'Copy Link Location', then paste the URL in the box entitled ‘New Internet Calendar Subscription’

Press OK

Optionally - Click ‘Advanced’ to name your calendar and configure some options.

Click ‘Yes’ to add the calendar to outlook and subscribe to updates.

The contents of the calendar will now be downloaded into Outlook, and will automatically update periodically as fixture information changes.

More info:

Using Google Calendar

Go to

If you are not already, log in with your Google account.

On the left of the page, pull down the option ‘Other Calendars’

Select ‘Add by URL’

Right-click here and select 'Copy Link Location', then paste the URL in the box entitled ‘Add by URL’

Do not tick “Make this calendar publicly accessible” - Sky Sports calendars are already publicly accessible via

Your subscribed calendar information will download into your calendar and continue to automatically update periodically.

Each subscribed calendar will appear under ‘Other Calendars’ and you can pull down the options menu to change the colour of events, create notifications, or hide the calendar.

More info:

Using an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch (iOS 6)

Go to the ‘settings’ app on your device.

From the list, select the ‘Mail, Contacts, Calendars’ option.

Select ‘Add Account’

From the list, choose ‘Other’

Under ‘Calendars’, Select ‘Add Subscribed Calendar’

Right-click here and select 'Copy Link Location', then paste the URL in the box marked ‘Server’

More options should appear, you can optionally enter a description for the calendar. You do not require a username or password, and should ensure ‘Use SSL’ is set to ‘off’.

At the moment, no alarm information is sent with the fixture lists, so the ‘Remove Alarms’ option will not have an effect.

Select ‘Next’ - the calendar should sync, and then ‘Save’ to confirm the subscription.

Leave the ‘settings’ app, and go to the ‘calendar’ app. You should now see the subscribed calendar(s) in the list under ‘subscribed’ - ensure they are selected, and you should see all of the events in your calendar.

More info (not official)

Using an Android phone or tablet (using the default calendar app)

Calendar subscriptions on Android devices using the default calendar application are handled via Google Calendar.

In the Google Calendar app, go to Menu....”Calendars to be displayed”, then scroll down to the “Calendars to be synced” button at the bottom.

Click this button, and make sure the fixtures calendar(s) you subscribed to are checked.

Click “OK” to exit.

In the “Calendars to be displayed” list, you should now see the new calendar(s), check the box next to those you want to be visible.