City get labelled

Wine label honour as City get a Brazilian at Waitrose

Exeter City’s place in football history as the first side to play the Brazilian national team, back in 1914 in Rio de Janeiro, has been honoured by being featured on the label of the delicious new Brazilian Merlot which has been launched recently by Waitrose.

Produced in Serra Gaucha, the light ruby red wine is full of the flavours of ripe berry fruits and is a light, fresh taste, best drunk young, excellent on its own or as a very good partner for stews and darker meats.

It is currently on offer from a special display in the wine department at the Exeter Waitrose branch at £6.74 until 7th October, and anyone buying the wine in this period will also be entered in a prize draw for hospitality for two people at a Grecians home game!

Our picture shows City players Pat Baldwin and Danny Butterfield, who tasted the wine recently when visiting the store to meet Paul, Steve and Max, the Waitrose staff responsible for the promotion.

Steve Minnican, who is responsible for the wines at the store, said:  “We have had a lot of City fans in buying the wine already – it is a great compliment to the club to be featured on a wine label like this and it seemed logical to play our part in bringing it to the attention of wine lovers in the area.

“It is an excellent example of an elegant new-world Merlot and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys this kind of wine.”

Also featured in the display are some selected Argentine wines to acknowledge the fact that in 1914, the Exeter City team that played against Brazil also toured Argentina plus a selection of products from Exeter City’s brewery partners, St Austell Brewery.