Sponsorship needed for Soccer Sight service

Help provide commentary service to blind and partially-sighted fans

Soccer Sight – a charitable service that offers live matchday commentary of Exeter City home games for partially sighted and blind fans – is looking to partner with a business or person in search of £354 in sponsorship to improve the service we offer.

Having started Soccer Sight at St James Park in 2008, the equipment – originally provided by the Royal National Institute for the Blind – is now in need for replacement, and the Soccer Sight commentators are seeking sponsorship to buy a new radio transmitter and headsets for the users of this fantastic service.

Soccer Sight commentator and organiser Tom Fowles said: “The service is aimed at improving the matchday experience for all partially-sighted and blind fans by providing a highly descriptive live commentary of the game.

“It’s a great initiative, sadly not offered by many clubs across the country, which has hopefully helped to really improve the accessibility for fellow football fans and also aided the career opportunities for some of our commentators.”

“The equipment has never been replaced and is showing signs of wear and tear so we are really eager to replace the transmitter and headsets so that we can protect and improve the quality of what we offer.”

For more on what Soccer Sight does and how to get involved either as a listener or commentator then please watch the video below.

If you would be interested in providing sponsorship, please contact Operations Manager Andy Gillard by emailing andy.gillard@exetercityfc.co.uk or ringing 01392 413 954.