Trust gets a Brazilian

Eric flies in and signs on!

Eric de Menezes, the club’s official representative for Brazil, was in Exeter recently on a flying FLYBE visit and whilst at the club to catch up on all things Grecian, he found time to become the latest member of The Exeter City Supporters Trust. Our picture shows Bruce Henderson, the club’s Business Development Manager, helping Eric fill in the simple form with the details needed to join and having set up his payment, Eric is now one of the owners of the club!

Eric said, ‘I felt that if I joined as a person living in Brazil, it might encourage others closer to the club to become Trust members. It is so important that all supporters join the Trust if they possibly can. My club in Brazil is Fluminense but Exeter City definitely has a very big place in my heart and I am proud to be a member of The Exeter City Supporters Trust’.

If you want to be like Eric and become a member of the Trust, simply go to the Trust website