SJP Development: We Want Your Feedback!

Get in touch now with your thoughts on the proposals

EXETER CITY are looking for feedback on this weekend's second consultation events regarding the plans for the development of St James Park.

The proposals were laid out in their latest form across two events on Friday and Saturday last week, and now the club would like to collect the responses.

The plans involve:
  • The rebuilding of the Stagecoach Family Stand on the Well Street side of the ground, Relocation of and improvements to the player and referee changing facilities beneath the main stand.
  • Significant improvements to other parts of the ground including the replacement and enhancement of the toilet facilities for the Big Bank Stand.
  • Consideration given to the enhancement of the away end.
  • An enabling development of approximately 320 student beds on land behind the Big Bank Stand and two adjoining pieces of land, the Yeo and Davey site, and 20 Old Tiverton Road.
  • Approximately 350 sq m of retail use in the form of a convenience store on the Yeo & Davey site.

Please head to the purpose-built SJP Development site here to leave your feedback - your opinions are all of great importance to Exeter City Football Club.