Supporter Sponsorship Total Update

The latest on donations ahead of the AFC Wimbledon match

EXETER CITY SUPPORTERS' TRUST will act as Match Sponsors for the Sky Bet League 2 clash at home to AFC Wimbledon on December 28th.

As of Monday evening, the total donated by Supporters ws a brilliant £575; that's over 15% of our initial target with still over a month left in which to donate. Thank you to all our sponsors for this fantastic start.

You can donate this Wednesday if you're coming to St James Park for the FA Youth Cup match at home to Oxford United - Box 3 will be open as a donation point between 6 and 7pm.

You will be able to access Box 3 from the seats in the Main Stand - donations can be by cash or cheques only.

Will we get to £1000 donated by the weekend?

Over to you......UTC!

For further details on how you can donate, please head here or here.

Donations are at a minimum of £5 - though there is no upper limit! Hospitality is available at the match for £12, and both can be booked online via the links above. Supporters can also go via reception.