Volunteers Needed for Clic Sargent Christmas Concert at Exeter Cathedral

Volunteers needed!

CLIC SARGENT are looking for volunteers to assist with this year's Christmas concert.

If you would like to see the Christmas concert being staged at Exeter Cathedral on Saturday 5th December, raising funds for this wonderful charity that helps the children and families affected by children with cancer, then now is your chance. By being a volunteer at the event, helping man the collection buckets or helping serve and sell the fund-raising refreshments, you can also see the concert and truly be a part of what promises to be a magical Christmas event.

Exeter City Football Club, which stages an annual day raising funds for this charity and also provide a welcome day out to the families being helped by CLIC Sargent, are pleased to help CLIC Sargent.

If you can help and want to enjoy the evening at the same time, please contact sarah.shaw@clicsargent.org.uk or call the CLIC Sargent Exeter office on 01392 314673.