Clinton: The Monkey's Off My Back

City striker reacts to maiden goal

EXETER CITY striker Clinton Morrison was relieved to get his long-awaited first City's goal in today's 3-3 draw with Stevenage at St James Park, but admitted following the match that he would have much preferred to get the three points instead.

"It was a sloppy way to concede, and right at the end too," he said. "We’ve got to get our shape right, but it’s one of those things – I thought Stevenage might have been the better team. They passed it a lot better than us, and I don't think we really turned up.

"I’d have been happier not scoring and getting the three points, but I’m off the mark now. That’s the second game I’ve started in about four months, and at my age you’ve got to just enjoy it as much as you can. My aim is to get Exeter City promoted, and that’s what I want to do.

"It’s been so many frustrations for me the last year or so – I’ve been in the right areas but the ball hasn’t really been dropping for me. I’ve been a goalscorer my entire career, but for some reason it just hasn’t worked out, and I’ll be the first one to say that I could probably have done better. Today, it did fall for me, and I perhaps should have scored another one shortly after that on my left foot."

"That goal was probably the best I’ve scored in my career. I got some good ones at Palace and at international level for Ireland, but I didn’t think that at 36 I could get my legs up that high to do that. I’m buzzing – the monkey’s off my back, and I know that I can start scoring goals now."