Trust Membership - Please Take Time to Check Your Details

Trust seeks to clarify payment sources

OUR TRUST finance team have been working hard to ensure we know who each payment we receive by standing order, comes from.

In this way we can ensure that each Trust member retains their right to all the privileges that comes with membership. There are, however, a number of payments that we cannot link with the payee. This will usually be because the reference has been generated by the bank and is a numerical reference that we cannot reconcile to a name.

If you are a member that pays by standing order and you are unsure what reference is currently being used, could you please check with your bank that they are using the advised reference format, which is: Priority number followed by your surname (for example 1234Brown). If you find that the change is necessary, please then inform us at so that we can ensure you are on the database as a current Trust member.

In the event that we were to draw a ‘big’ team at home in a Cup, this quick check will prevent any disappointment in not being able to get priority tickets because you’re in our ‘suspended membership’ account.