Two Mags For One This Saturday

Get a free copy of Late Tackle Magazine with this weekend's Morecambe programme

WE WILL BE handing out copies of the football magazine Late Tackle free with our matchday programme for the home game against Morecambe this weekend.
Produced by Greenways Publishing, publishers of The Non-League Paper and The Football League Paper, Late Tackle is the football magazine written by the fans, for the fans.
It’s the football mag with a bit of a kick, and offers a unique look at the beautiful game, covering subjects that fans care about.
With contributions from football fans around the world, Late Tackle is for the fan on the terrace, not in the executive box.
To subscribe:
Twitter: @LateTackle
Facebook: LateTackleMagazine
We hope you enjoy the game and your copy of Late Tackle!