Ollie Watkins: Exeter City confident ahead of season's opener

Ollie Watkins says side have a good chemistry going into Blackpool match

Ollie Watkins says there is a good chemistry in the Exeter City team ahead of their opening match of the season against Blackpool.

Watkins, who scored three goals in pre-season, says City have benefited from having a settled side during the summer and are going into the season’s opener full of confidence.

“I’m sure the lads are confident that we can go and beat any team in the league – or in a cup competition,” he said. “We have got a good, cemented team at the moment and the chemistry is there so let’s see what we can do Saturday.”

Watkins, who made his permanent breakthrough into the side last year scoring eight goals in 10 games towards the end of last season, says he is really looking forward to the new campaign.

“I’m really excited for the game on Saturday,” he said. “I’m really looking forward to it and seeing what result we can get. Hopefully we can get a win and then it is on to Tuesday.”

Blackpool play City having been relegated from League One last season. Therefore, they have a bit of an unknown quantity about them, but defender Troy Brown says City can’t approach the game differently just because of that.

“We are just going to approach like any other game,” he said. “We just have to treat it as if we were playing a League Two team from last season, because as we have seen before just because a team has come down from League One it doesn’t mean they are going to be pushing towards the top end of the league.

“I think everyone goes into the season with high hopes and everyone feels they can be that team that is going to get promoted. It will be no different for Blackpool, so we will take them as we do any other team, prepare properly and look to get three points.”