Tis: We Have To Get Going Again At Stevenage

Grecians boss looks ahead to Stevenage away

EXETER CITY manager Paul Tisdale challenged his players to find the right dynamic again as they prepare to travel to Stevenage on Saturday.

The Grecians suffered a disappointing loss to Oxford United at St James Park in Paul's 500th game in charge on Tuesday evening, but the boss reaffirmed his desire to return to form during the trip to the Lamex.

"There were so many things that weren't quite working over the last two home games. We have to realign our play, refocus and get going again. I've been here a few times before, where we've had some really poor performances; the best way out of it is to get the dynamic right to get the players back to their best. We have to move forward and not dwell on the details of the Oxford defeat, because there were far too many to contend with.

"It's about doing things as simply as you can. You have to work out what suits the situation, and yes, there are a hundred ways to do it, but it's about choosing one. Football can be a very erratic business - you can win three in a row, as we did, have a game called off, and then suddenly the confidence changes. Sometimes it pays to keep it simple. Neither me or the players are offering any excuses; we've just got to get ourselves aligned and focused on the next thing.

"Regardless of who the opposition is this weekend, we have to be on the offensive, and be purposeful in what we do. I'm not looking for any excuses with circumstances of the last two home games; we just weren't good enough. Stevenage have had their manager in place for a few weeks now, and they've just won two of the last three games. They've settled on a system of play, and they'll know what they're doing. They'll have a purpose about them. The strength of any unit is in having a common goal and attacking it - it appears that they've got that at the moment, so we'll have to go and match it."