Molby: FA Cup Experience Will Be Amazing For Klopp

Liverpool legend talks ahead of FA Cup Third Round

LIVERPOOL LEGEND Jan Molby said that Reds boss Jurgen Klopp will relish the chance to experience the FA Cup for the first time ahead of his side's visit to St James Park this evening.

Molby was speaking at an event held at St James Park on Thursday evening, and had complimentary things to say about his time visiting Devon.

"I don't think anyone can deny the fact that this is a beautiful part of the world," Jan said. "There's a nice pace to life, and people perhaps take things a little more easy than they would in the bigger cities. Every time I come down here, whether I'm playing in the legends game or attending events like last night, I'm always bowled over by the interest there is, not just in football, but in Liverpool as well. Liverpool is a big club, wherever you travel in the UK.

"I've played in the Third Round of the FA Cup on many occasions - it's the stage where the top flight clubs enter. Liverpool have had these potential banana skins before - you go to these clubs, and you understand what the Cup means to them. In footballing terms, the players get a chance to challenge themselves against the cream of British football, and it's also a big financial boost for the club as well. That's a big part, so all round it's a fantastic occasion for Exeter. It's a game that Liverpool need to take Exeter back to Anfield, as a minimum; I don't think that defeat would be too well-received.

"I think Jurgen Klopp, in an ideal world, would have liked to have had more players available to pick from, but he's a big believer in young players. Liverpool have a big squad, and have a lot of promising youngsters, but they haven't got any youngsters who have stuck their neck out to become the next star yet. Tonight is an opportunity for them at St James Park. Whichever Liverpool line-up you come up against, it's a still a Premier League quality side, who play with a Premier League tempo and physicality, so it will be a massive challenge.

"I think Klopp will absolutely love the FA Cup. Let's not forget that Exeter City play in the fourth tier of English football, and Klopp would love that. To come here and see a full stadium of fans showing their passion; the Exeter City fans who travel home and away have as much passion as the Liverpool fans. For him to experience this, I think it will be amazing for him."