Exeter City Score Dementia Action Hat-Trick

Three of City's organisations have been accepted as members of the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance

EXETER CITY Football Club has scored a dementia action hat-trick.  Three of its organisations have been accepted as members of the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance and can now proudly use the ‘Working to become Dementia Friendly’ logo.
The Football Club together with its owners the Supporters Trust and its charity Football in the Community have all successfully submitted action plans to address the issue of dementia. The move followed a workshop held at the club in April when representatives of the three bodies received an awareness raising session provided by the Alliance.
The three organisations will be working together to deliver a number of actions including:
  • Staff training
  • Raising awareness and understanding amongst supporters
  • Encouraging fans to become Dementia Friends
  • Activity projects for people with dementia and their carers and families.
  • Dementia friendly signage
  • Holding a designated first team game with a dementia awareness theme in partnership with the Alliance
Speaking on behalf of Exeter City Football Club, Andy Gillard said “We are delighted to get involved with the Alliance. We are committed to doing more to make the club Dementia Friendly”.
Jamie Vittles of Football in the Community said “This absolutely fits in with our social inclusion work. We want our programmes to involve and support people affected by dementia”.
Paul Farley, of the Supporters Trust said “Dementia affects so many lives and families. It is important we raise awareness and help in any way we can. As a fan owned community club it is important we take action on dementia, one of the biggest issues society is facing up to”.
Gina Awad for Exeter Dementia Action Alliance said “We are looking forward to our future collaboration and to sign up all 3 organisations just illustrates Exeter City's commitment to community initiatives and social inclusion. We're delighted".