Maintenance Volunteers Win Angie Ellicott Memorial Trophy

Winners see off Operations/Commerce in close-fought final

EXETER CITY's Angie Ellicott Memorial Trophy was won by the Maintenance Volunteers yesterday evening.

The skittles tournament was designed to bring club employees and personnel closer together through activities held outside working hours.

In a close match, the final was contested by Operations/Commerce (the busy backroom staff who keep the club ticking over) and the Maintenance Volunteers (an elderly bunch who scuttle around the ground with screwdrivers in hand mending defects)...
A bright start by the Operations team aided by a fine fifteen from Rose Clace saw them leap into a eleven-pin lead after one leg. However, their scores for each leg declined as the maintenance men improved and the deficit was slowly pegged back. With one leg to go there was only three pins between the teams, and it was a spare by John Kingdom with the penultimate throw that tipped the balance with the Maintenance Volunteers claiming the trophy by just five pins. Their captain Den Ellicott was unable to collect the Angie Ellicott Trophy, as he on holiday in the USA, but son Martin – normally seen volunteering match-days on the real ale bar, took his place in the team.
The ladies award for the competition was won by Rose Clace who just pipped team-mate Sammy Luxton. The mens award went to Stuart Fishleigh from the Senior Reds team.
Many thanks to all who took part in this year’s competition and to Phil Bater from the Senior Reds who stepped in at the last minute to present the awards.