George Ley to be guest speaker at Senior Reds event

George made 104 appearances for Exeter City

The Senior Reds are delighted to announce that their next guest speaker will be George Ley.

George made 104 appearances for Exeter City between 1963 and 1967, and is currently in the UK on holiday from his home in America, so this is a rare chance to listen to his memories of being a Grecian, on life after his time at St James Park and his thoughts on the modern game.

The event will take place in the Courtenay Room on Wednesday 12th April, with a 6pm for 6.30pm start. All supporters are welcome.

The Senior Reds last event saw Graham Rees entertain a sizeable gathering in the Grecian Centre on March 23, with memories from his career as a City player from 1954 to 1966.

Amongst the audience were former fellow players Alan Banks, George Ley and Selwyn Rice, as well as several fans who'd seen Graham play.

The event was a arranged by the Senior Reds and the Heritage Lottery Funded 'History of St James Park' project. The latter provided a significant amount of memorabilia for display and filmed the event for inclusion in the Grecian Archive. In addition, Graham and Alan formally opened the excellent History of St James Park photographic display in the upper corridor - an event which was shown that evening on the local ITV news, together with brief interviews with Graham, Alan and George.