Redevelopment update from the club board

The first of monthly updates the board will be issuing on the progress of the Redevelopment Project at St James Park. Th aim is to provide additional information alongside the photographs and text that we will continue to regularly post on the website.

The project is now in its week 11 and good progress is being made on all the phase 1 sites.

The new changing rooms under the IP Office Main Stand are well advanced with the floor slab completed and the erection of the internal walls underway. New cladding has been erected to the rear of the stand as part of the construction. New gas, water and electrical services have been laid.

Excavation has been carried out at the front of the IP Office Main Stand to form the path round the new dugouts which will be erected in mid September.

The external works to the new Thatchers' Big Bank toilets are completed and the internal fit out progressing well. The refurbished turnstiles and access gate have been erected in their new position. The temporary turnstiles at the bottom of the path from behind the Big Bank have been put in place.

The away end terracing has been demolished, and most of the bases for the new away stand excavated and concreted.

The boundry wall to St James Road has been reduced to its new height approaching the junction to Well Street. Work to erect fencing behind the wall has commenced.

The new control room and first aid cabin will be delivered to site next week. They will be commissioned in their temporary position on the away end, and should be in use for the Lincoln City match on Saturday, August 19 allowing the old facilities to be demolished.

Following the announcement that Exeter City Council had kindly allowed us to offer the seats in the Stagecoach Stand for sale to our supporters, many fans took up the opportunity to the extent that there are only around 500 of the original 1600 left in the stand.

If current progress is maintained and no unforeseen problems are encountered we expect the new changing rooms to be in use by late September.

If that target can be met that would allow the demolition of the Stagecoach Stand to commence in October. The land behind the Thatcher's Big Bank would be occupied by the developer at the same time.

However, as with all construction projects unexpected delays can happen. We will confirm the position in the next update at the end of this month.