The ultimate ECFC Quiz is back!

The ECFC Ultimate Quiz is back and we are looking for 24 teams to undertake the extreme quizzical challenge that quizmaster, Norman Warne, is once again posing.

Rather than cramming things into a week or two, as we did last year, the main event will run over three nights:

  • Monday 29 January 2018
  • Monday 12 February 2018
  • Monday 26 February 2018

Teams should be present on each night and, rather than having one format, the three nights will be different, drawing from the styles that Norman has used in past years, so there’s a good chance you’ll find something you’ll like. However, running through it all will be the now traditional league system.

Everyone will be in one league and there will be a team prize each night. Additionally, there is also the big prize of Flybe tickets at the very end of the quiz for the team that accumulates most ranking points across the three nights.

The idea is to provide a varied experience for teams and keep quizzes as sharp as possible and we’re looking forward to finding out who will succeed the Echo Hacks (pictured), last year’s winners?

The entry fee, as last year, is simply £10 per team per night. With the usual maximum of 5 team members that would work out at £2 per person per night, and we hope you’ll agree this is a realistic figure given the type of quiz and time and effort Norman and his team put into this.

Entries on a first come, first served basis should head to Andy Gillard by phone on: 01392 413954 or email:

We hope you’ll like the new format and that you’ll enjoy being part of another successful Ultimate Quiz experience!