Express & Echo team up with City for this year's sports awards

Entries now open for the 12 categories

This year's revamped sports awards ceremonywill be held at St James's Park on April 26 and will start earlier, having more focus on the award winners.

Entries are now open for the 12 categories which range from Professional Sports Personality to School Team of the Year.

Exeter City chairman Julian Tagg said he was pleased to partner up with the Echo and to be able to recognise the sporting talent the city has to offer.

"We're delighted to be part of the sports awards," Tagg said. "There's some phenomenal work across the city that goes unrecognised.

"The award committee's aim is to try and find causes that raise the profile of the city and, at the same time, supports the plethora of the volunteers that work so hard, either for athletes or as support behind them.

"The club has the badge of the city and we take it seriously. Community support is really what the club is all about."

The Coach of the Year category will give people a chance to recognise any coaches or managers who have helped nurture success over the past year.

There is the Health and Wellbeing category, which will be awarded to an individual, group or organisation that has shown a positive influence over others to improve their wellbeing.

The Team of the Year Award recognises a team that have had success over the past year.

The Triumph Over Adversity Award will be given to an individual, team or group who have overcome challenges. And the Young Sports Personality of the Year is for athletes under 18 who have excelled.

A school team who have achieved highly will be recognised in the School Team of the Year award. While the Professional Sports Personality of the Year award will be given to a professional athlete who has impressed.

There is also the Outstanding Contribution to Sport, which will be presented to an individual or group who have gone above and beyond to make a contribution to local sport.

The Business Contribution to Sport award will recognise a business that has continually shown support for sport.

There are also two new categories this year.

The Best Sporting Moment category will recognise a memorable event that occurred in the last 12 months.

Finally, the Eamonn Dolan Award will be given to a nominee from the categories the judges feel deserve extra recognition.

Express & Echo editor Patrick Phelvin said: "I'm delighted to have partnered up with Exeter City for these awards.

"We wish to recognise the excellent sporting achievements that occur in this city, and I encourage people to get their nominations in early."

Visit to place a nomination in the awards.