Light up the Park lives on...

Money left from appeal being used for floodlight training and maintenance

Four years ago, the Supporters’ Trust launched the ‘Light up the Park’ appeal, which raised money for new floodlights at St James Park.

The campaign was crucial as the club had a season to upgrade the floodlights before new regulations deemed them unfit for purpose.

The appeal saw Individuals and supporters’ groups unite and raise over £12,000 and suitable replacements were sourced and negotiated by City staff. The lights were purchased from Southampton Football Club who were also upgrading at the time.

The rest of the money has remained in the ‘Light up the Park’ account ever since, to be used for maintenance and repairs on our lights when needed.

The club will now be using some of it to hire a cherry picker and to train staff to replace lamps and undertake other maintenance work needed. This is important after last Tuesday's incident when a floodlight transformer overheated.

There will still be £5000 left in the account which will remain ring-fenced for this purpose.

We thanked you when we raised the money and we thank you again now, your generosity continues to brighten St James Park.