Supporters' Trust corporate membership launch this Monday

New Trust membership category avaialble for local businesses

On Monday, February 20, the Exeter City Supporters' Trust are hosting a special launch event for their new Corporate Membership offer.

The event will take place from 7-9.30pm in the newly opened Heritage Lounge which overlooks the pitch and currently houses an exhibition by FIFA photographer Peter Robinson.

Local businesses are what help make a community tick so the Trust are delighted to have created a new Corporate membership category.

During the evening Sean Devine, former City number 10, and now a Trustee, will share his story and there will be a multimedia presentation depicting Exeter City's long footballing history with Brazil. Information will be available on the new Trust membership category and a presentation of welcome packs will be given to the first Corporate members.

If you have a business and would like to join us on Monday please contact Trustee Elaine Davis via email on: