Tomorrow's match against Blackpool is City's designated #NCSMatchday

NCS service in attendance of Blackpool match

City's League Two match against Blackpool tomorrow is the club's designated #NCSMatchday, and will be marked with promotional activity around St James Park.

#NCSmatchday, is a campaign introduced by the National Citizen Service to give the Club, and Football in the Community a platform to highlight the positive work that young people have done in their local community through NCS.

The National Citizenship Service (NCS) is a once in a lifetime opportunity, open to all Year 11s and 12s across England. It is a unique programme focused around fun and discovery, that is backed by the government. During NCS participants build skills for work and life that you can't learn in the classroom while also making friends for life. NCS participants also give back a lot to the community and to date they have given 1.9 million hours to social action projects that benefit communities, the equivalent of building 74 Olympic stadiums or The Great Wall of China!

On the day, local Exeter NCS grads will be at St James Park promoting the NCS service, all players will be warming up in NCS T-shirts, and ground staff will also be sporting NCS clothing. Matchday programme 'The Grecian' will feature a special cover with recent NCS graduates and City player's Christy Pym and Ollie Watkins, there is also more information inside on the NCS programme so be sure to pick up a copy.

For spectators in the stadium that know how to use Snapchat, there is a special matchday filter available during the game, so make sure you get out your phones and start snapping. Look out for the special Instagram polaroid frames that will be around SJP. Don't forget to tag #NCSMatchDay in your posts on Facebook or Twitter.
To find out more about NCS and how you can sign up search for Exeter NCS on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram or go to