Foundation winner John looking to use winnings to support young players

John is January's lucky £1000 prize winner

The first winner in 2017 of the Exeter City Foundation’s £1,000 monthly prize was John Butcher, seen in the picture receiving his cheque at the match against Colchester United, alongside Operations Manager Andy Gillard and Foundation Administrator Richard Horne.

John has supported Exeter City for the last 10 years, since retiring to the south west after living in Surrey most of his life. There he was a keen Sutton United supporter, for many seasons he was a referee at senior amateur level and he was an FA qualified coach – under the tutelage of Bobby Robson, no less! His best memories of the Grecians are two trips to Wembley!

John has an interesting idea for the money he has won – he would like to use it to help disadvantaged younger players with their expenses – e.g travel to and from matches. We are taking this up with our Academy and Football in the Community representatives as to how best this can be done.

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, particularly for those who are regular supporters of the club. For just £10 per month, members are entitled to a range of prizes and, if a season ticket holder, the additional benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop. The City Foundation draw runs throughout the year, and overall there are sixty-seven prizes – of which sixty-four are cash prizes – all of which means that members have a GREAT chance of winning, and all winners are Exeter City supporters.

If you want to join then fill in a form at Reception, join on-line through or contact the Foundation administrator at