Julian Tagg and Paul Tisdale offer thanks at official opening of 3G pitch

Councillors, business people and supporters turn up to official unveiling

Exeter City’s new 3G pitch was officially opened on Monday evening as supporters, and those who helped with the construction of the new state-of-the-art facility were invited to a special unveiling. 

Chairman Julian Tagg spoke glowingly of the work that everyone had put in to get the project to its completion.

“In terms of our to club to have a facility like this is fantastic,” said Julian. “There are so many people I have to say thank you to and they have all helped in delivering a top-class product in a top-class way.”

Julian thanked Paul Wright, the late Clifford Hill’s representative; Chris Jay, from NPS South West; project manager Mike Phillips; staff from Sportfields Ltd, councillor Mike Howe, and his colleagues from East Devon District Council, and Desso Sport, who provided the contemporary cork infill carpet for the pitch which is the first of its kind in the country. 

Manager Paul Tisdale then added that it was a proud day for the club. 

He said the project has been many years in the making and there is a lot of staff at City to thank for enabling them to get the money to be able to achieve this project. He also went on to praise the Supporters’ Trust board, the club board, the club’s academy and the Football in the Community department for supporting and believing in the project.

“The most important thing is that we have earned every penny to provide it,” said Paul. “And when you consider that a club like ours – which is a cash-flow business where every penny counts – to ring-fence that much money in one go to pay for such a facility is incredible for a club like ours. 

“There is so many people to thank for that. To enable us to create that wealth, to begin with, was a remarkable achievement from everyone here. Player sales and the Liverpool FA Cup games helped, but also being prudent with the money along the way.”

“It is a brilliant thing for us to have achieved,” added Paul. “It is a big day for us. 

“We have had to wait seven years for it and you certainly enjoy it when you get here. 

“It is new surface the ball moves really quickly. The details are with the cork and with the type of carpet and the ball moves as close to a grass surface as I have ever been on.”

A good numbers of supporters then turned out to view the 3G pitch and chat to Paul and Julian about the surface, while watching a training session from the under-16 academy team on the 3G pitch.