Thank you to all our volunteers

A message from Julian Tagg, club chairman and Martin Weiler, Supporters' Trust chairman

As we celebrate National Volunteer Week (1-7 June 2017) what better time to say a massive thank you to the army of volunteers who work so hard for all parts of Exeter City Football Club.

It is estimated that nearly 200 people have volunteered for the club and Supporters' Trust this year (2016/17). Around 25,000 hours have been freely given with an estimated value of £300,000.

These are quite simply stunning figures and we are so grateful for everything our volunteers do. It speaks volumes for the kind of club we are and a true reflection of our supporter ownership and involvement.

From making the players lunches at the training ground to clearing litter after games and from selling tickets for big games to painting and decorating our facilities and so much more besides our volunteers make a real difference.

We’ll be featuring a small number of our volunteers on the Trust website over the course of the week and we will also be letting you know the ways in which you can get involved if you are not already, so please keep an eye out on our site and social media.

And again, thank you to each and every one of you who volunteers for Exeter City; you are part of what makes us special.

Click here to visit the Trust website and find out more about a selection of our amazing volunteers.