Do you know relatives of Frederick Joseph Collymore Hunter or Albert Edward Potter?

City searching for relatives of former chairman and player

Exeter City Football Club are searching for any relatives of the chairman and a player who died on active service in the Exeter Blitz in May 1942.

Frederick Joseph Collymore Hunter was chairman of the club at the time of the blitz. He is buried in St John's in the Wilderness churchyard, Exmouth. Albert Edward Potter was a former player and is buried in All Saint's churchyard, Whipton Chapel.

Hunter was in the Home Guard and Potter an Air Raid Warden. Both are commemorated on a war memorial at the Club.

The club and its Supporters Trust are planning to mark the 75th anniversary of the Blitz by paying their respects at the graves of Hunter and Potter. They would be delighted to hear from any relatives so that details of the events can be shared.

If you are related or have any information please contact Exeter City at or via Reception at the Club on:01392 411243.