FITC win fourth annual Angie Ellicott memorial trophy

Winners see off ExEC 100 Club

The Angie Ellcott memorial trophy was won by a team from Football in the Community in a close-fought battle against the ExEC-100 Club.

The skittles tournament was designed to bring club employees and personnel closer together through activities held outside working hours. Angie Ellicott was a regular at St James Park for a number of years and was a vital part of the Exeter City Football Club community.

In previous rounds, the ExEC-100 club had seen off the Senior Reds, and under-18s, whilst FITC had accounted for Walking Football and last year’s winners the Maintenance Volunteers.

Consistent skittling by FITC built up a 15-pin advantage with 2 legs to go. A fightback by ExEC-100 club could not retrieve the situation and FITC were victorious by 10 pins.

Ben Watson collected the trophy on behalf of his team. Bill Rouse of the Ex EC club took the award for the highest average over the tournament.

Many thanks to all who took part in this year’s competition.

Runners-up, ExEC-100 Club