Tensator help club with crowd control

Tensator, the global leader in queue systems and crowd control, were only too happy to step in and help the club solve the outdoor queuing issues around the Ticket Office in Red Square.

Tensator's long serving business development manager, Colin Sherwood, lives locally and when he was approached, took the time to advise us and then secure the poles and belts, which allow us to assist fans in the busy Red Square area. 

Colin even managed to arrange a supply in the club colours of red and white, as you can see in the photo taken with operations manager, Andy Gillard, prior to the Luton Town match in October.

Andy said: "I’m extremely grateful to Colin for taking the time to help us and kindly provide just what we needed to cordon off the area around the Ticket Booth.

"Redevelopment entailed relocating the Booth in Red Square, which is a popular area for fans to gather pre-match and features food and drink outlets, the club shop and now ticketing. We just needed a hand getting organised and Colin was just the man to help."

Colin added: "Tensator are currently working with the FA on a nationwide project to help grass roots level football so this opportunity fitted in nicely!"