Share your sporting memories

Love talking sport? Enjoy looking back at iconic sporting events?

Why not share your memories with other enthusiastic sports fans during our friendly Sporting Memories group?

Held in the Grecian Centre at St James Park every Wednesday morning between 9.30am and 11.30am, Sporting Memories is a Men's health initiative, aimed at bringing Men over 50 together to recall memories of watching or playing sport.

Not inerested in football? No problem, this group is open to enthusiasts of all sports.

It's a great opportunity to meet new friends, increase confidence and interact with others.

During the session, you might have the change to enjoy a free stadium tour of St James Park, including an insight into the club's early history, or listen to a guest speaker, or why not join in with some light physical activity, or games such as bocchia.

So, come along, listen, and tell stories from the 60s, 70s, 80s and the 90s with other, older sporting fans. It's free to attend with plenty of refreshments available.

The Sporting Memories Foundation support older people across the UK living with dementia, depression, and loneliness by helping them recall memories of watching or playing sport.

By sharing memories of sporting moments and tapping into a passion for sport they help people to connect with others and with their past, reawakening positive thoughts and feelings that otherwise remain hidden away.

Feel free to come along to one of the sessions. For more information, call Peter Ferlie on: 01392 255611, or email:


For more information about the charity behind Sporting Memories, please go to: