Trowers & Hamlins sign up as Corporate Golf Day sponsors

Exeter City FC is delighted to welcome Trowers & Hamlins as our main sponsor for the Corporate Golf Day on Thursday, April 19 at Exeter Golf & Country Club.

With 20 teams booked in it is sure to be a good day for all, with a number of local companies involved.

Trowers & Hamlins is an international law firm helping businesses and governments change the way they live and work for the better. They do this by providing their clients with commercial advice geared towards tackling tomorrow’s challenges.

They are fascinated by the future of our towns and cities and, especially, the point where commerce, communities and culture intersect – they call it The Real Economy.

As a firm, they work contributes to this dialogue every day, whether they are connecting business with municipality in Abu Dhabi, individuals with communities in Exeter and the South West, or investors with opportunities in the City of London. They combine local knowledge and specialist skills in teams across our offices enabling clients to benefit from an efficient and effective service.
Put simply, they’re committed to building better business – for their clients, for society and for the wider economy.
Oliver Williams, who heads up Trowers & Hamlins' Exeter construction team said:
"It is a pleasure to be the main sponsor of the Exeter City's Corporate Golf Day taking place at Exeter Golf and Country Club.

"We are looking forward to what promises to be a fantastic day supporting and playing alongside some of the most exciting businesses with a presence in Exeter and the South West."
For more information or to be contacted about future golf days please email: