Guard of Honour: Be part of it

Would your child or grand children like to be part in the match day Guard of Honour as the teams enter the St James Park pitch? Participation is absolutely free, not only that but you can be involved in a support role as well.

When the flag waving Guard of Honour was introduced in 2013 the intention was to ensure that every child had an opportunity to participate in the match day, and go on the pitch to welcome the teams to the field of play. This has largely been successfully achieved by selecting children from a different stand every match. However, no system is perfect and there will probably be some children who have so far missed out.

If your son, daughter or grandchild has not been involved in the Guard of Honour now is your opportunity to make sure they do not miss out any more.

Please email and let us know four things:

  1. Which stand you use
  2. How many children you want to be involved,
  3. Their age(s)
  4. The matches you will be probably attending between now and the end of season.

Once we have received your email we will get back to you. As a guide and without being prescriptive this opportunity to take part will probably appeal best to this youngsters aged 6-12.

All we ask is that you are in the stadium at the designated meeting place 30 minutes before kick-off. This is most important to make sure your youngster has a flag. We do not take the contribution of the youngsters lightly. To show the club’s gratitude for playing an important part in the opening ceremony the Guard of Honour receive a small gift and a certificate of participation.

Parents and guardians are welcome to stay with the party in the beginning to take pictures and tweet them to family and friends.Grecian the Lion is always willing to pose with the flag bearers as he majestically roars his trail around the ground. Parental/guardian participation is also a key aspect of our commitment to safeguarding.

One mum's tweet says it all: