📱 Upgrades to the online ticket system

At Exeter City we are always looking to improve our customer service and online offering to make sure you, the fans find purchasing tickets quick and easy.

Over the summer, the club has completed the first of the planned upgrades to the online and mobile ticketing services at tickets.ecfc.co.uk. The upgrades offer a modern, cleaner look. You may have already noticed some of the changes if you purchased tickets for England’s Fan Zone games. 

The most significant improvements have been on the mobile/phone service where the whole system has been upgraded and now includes the ability to pick your seat (1) or choose the best available (2). 

The pick your seat function displays the stadium plan where you can zoom into the block/section and choose your actual seats from those available.

The ticketing service that is available on all laptops, computers or tablets has also undergone a major upgrade with new features including a new navigation bar.

The bar appears at the top of most screens on the internet/tablet version of the service.

  1. This is the main ticket order progress bar and shows the current place using a blue progress dot. You can go back in the process by clicking the appropriate blue dot. In this example we are at the confirm stage and can go back to the tickets or events by clicking the appropriate blue dot. You cannot progress to any grey dots.
  2. Clicking the small drop-down arrow will enable you to Login/Logout of your Exeter City Priority Ticketing Account. In future we hope to enable you to print your tickets at home.
  3. Click this to return to the event list, any tickets in your shopping cart will remain intact.
  4. Click this icon to go to your online shopping cart or basket.
  5. Click this to cancels the current shopping cart and return to the event list.
  6. Click this to access the detailed help for the current screen.

Other new features include the option to quick-view the availability on the main stadium plan for an event just by hovering over a block. You can now add tickets from other blocks or stands using the stadium mini-plan (1) when on the seat selection page.

Many browsers now offer a detailed help button on the navigation bar.

A demo event is now available at tickets.ecfc.co.uk and we would appreciate you trying out the new service on a computer or mobile phone.

You can go through the process using your own account, but all payment options have been removed so you cannot accidentally purchase tickets for this event.

If you notice any bugs, or have any feedback on the improvements, please email: tickets@ecfc.co.uk.

A full ‘buying tickets online’ guide will be available from the club website shortly.