Frank Sealey: 1946 to 2018

The club and Trust were devastated at the passing away of Frank Sealey early on Tuesday morning.

Frank was a hugely popular figure at St James Park and the word stalwart would not be out of place when describing him.
Frank was the Trust membership secretary, working from his desk at St James Park. He was also the membership co-ordinator of the Junior Grecians and poured through the issues and fun involved in both of these roles. He was only too keen to take this on and to help out his football club and, with over 3000 Trust members to deal with, the task was in no way insubstantial!
Beyond this, Frank was of course a hugely committed Exeter City fan. He was involved in numerous roles in the ExEC 100 Club, which used to be based in the Stagecoach Stand, adjacent to the changing rooms. He was hugely instrumental in making this club a fun and lively place to visit on match day, always at the centre of things and enjoying life as befits a former ‘matelot’!
The lengths he would go to support his club were admirably demonstrated when he was one of the merry band of Grecians who made the centenary trip to Brazil in 2014 to recreate the original Brazil v Exeter City match from 1914. This represented another chance to enjoy himself under the guise of supporting Exeter City.
Such a lively character, always positive, he will be deeply missed by all of us at the Club and Trust. One thing is for sure. We now have buffet left over in the office now he’s no longer with us! That never happened in his time.
Our condolences go out to his family and friends. RIP Frank.