A message from Paul Tisdale

In light of the continuing speculation over my role as Manager of Exeter City Football Club, I feel it is appropriate to announce that I have rejected the new and improved contract offered to me.

I would like to note that the club did everything in its power to keep me and for that I am extremely grateful. However, I feel now is the correct time for some careful personal consideration regarding my own career.

To do so, I must first provide the club with absolute certainty in its planning for the upcoming campaign by standing aside.

Through my tenure, I have shown unwavering commitment and loyalty to Exeter City Football Club and am proud to have been the longest-serving manager in the country and the most successful manager in the club's history.

It has been an honour to serve Exeter City over the last 12 years and I am immensely pleased of the progress made both on and off the football pitch.

I would like to thank the players, staff and fans for their passion, hard work and dedication. Thanks to the support of you and Steve Perryman and Julian Tagg, I am able to walk away knowing the club is in an extremely healthy position.

This is a special club with a unique culture and fantastic people, it was an honour to serve as its custodian and now it's an honour to support it as a fan.
