Exe Insurance win April's Corporate Golf day

Exeter Golf and Country Club was the venue for Exeter City’s corporate golf day on Thursday 17th April

Twenty teams participated in the event which was kindly sponsored by Trowers and Hamlins LLP. They are an international law firm helping businesses and governments change the way we live and work for the better. They do this by providing our clients with commercial advice geared towards tackling tomorrow’s challenges.

The weather was fantastic and a great day was had by all. After a close fought contest it was Exe Insurance that came out on top with a team score of 85 and were tied with both La Fabrico and Seawood Yachts, only coming in top spot by their score on the back 6.

Following a tough 18 holes everyone attended the post-match dinner which included fun and games and the prize giving including the winner’s trophy presented to the Exe Insurance team.

Exeter City would like to thank our main Golf Day Sponsors Trowers and Hamlins LLP. All pictures were taken by Kayleigh-Jade West and for further pictures or enquiries can be contacted on: kayleighjade.west@gmail.com.

The next Corporate Golf Day will take place at Exeter Golf and Country Club on Thursday 4th October. If you would like to express an interest in entering a team for this please email: events@ecfc.co.uk.