📝 David Collinge scoops the Foundation prize for October

The latest Foundation winner for October, is David Collinge, seen in the photo above receiving his cheque from Operations Manager Andy Gillard.

David has been a life-long supporter of the Grecians, he said:

“I was born in Exeter in 1944 and started watching City games with my father who managed Martins Bank, the bank City kept their money in. I used to attend most home games in my early twenties until I moved away from Exeter and would follow their results from afar.

"I started going to games again with my daughter, a staunch City fan, when my family had grown up and City were in the Conference. I remember seeing them at Woking when Steve Flack scored an equalizer in the last minute.

"I now live in Sunningdale and for a while used to attend away games in London, especially when City were not winning many home games. We, my daughter and I, have been to more home games this season, now that Exeter are playing more exciting, attacking football under Matt Taylor. We always stand on the Big Bank.

"My most exciting game has to be away to Oxford in the play-off semi-finals when Adam Stansfield scored a brilliant equalizer and Steve Tully the winning penalty. My favourite player has to be Alan Banks - what a player, did he ever miss scoring a goal? I think not.”

The Exeter City Foundation is a great deal, particularly for those who are regular supporters of the club. For just £10 per month, members are entitled to a range of prizes and, if a season ticket holder, the additional benefit of cash back or a voucher for the ECFC Shop.

The City Foundation draw runs throughout the year, and overall there are sixty-seven prizes – of which sixty-four are cash prizes – all of which means that members have a GREAT chance of winning, all winners are Exeter City supporters and net proceeds go to good causes at the club.

If you want to join then fill in a form at Reception, join online by clicking here, or by contacting the Foundation administrator at Richard.horne@ecfc.co.uk