📝 Exeter City Supporters' Trust: AGM and Trust elections

It’s getting very close to the Trust Annual General Meeting and we have just announced the nominations for Trustees.

There were five vacancies this year and since only five people have come forward the places are filled without the requirement of an election. 

The nominatons will be ratified by our members at the AGM.  In case you don’t already have the details, the AGM will take place on 27th October, starting at 11am, and will be held in the Lecture Theatre at the Tower Building at Exeter College. This meeting is open to members only.

Democracy, and the Trustee elections, are a core part of the Trust movement and offers all members the opportunity to get involved.  It’s always a shame when the need to hold an election is not required but this in no way detracts from the value or importance of the appointments.

Each trustee will be elected to serve three years, though in certain circumstances, to ensure a healthy rotation of Trustees, we occasionally ask Trustees to re-stand earlier, based on the longest serving.  No one can sit on the Trust Board, as a Trustee, for longer than nine consecutive years.

This year we will be joined by three new Trustees, whilst two of the four retiring Trustees return to their roles. 

I would especially like to thank both Paul West and Matt Phillips, who have chosen not to re-stand, for their tremendous effort over their time as Trustees. 

Paul has worked tirelessly as our lead on the Ownership Group and Matt Phillips has brilliantly demonstrated how it is possible to provide a strong and positive contribution from a distance, demonstrating that geographic distance is no barrier to becoming a Trustee.  Matt worked on the Finance & Governance Group. New Trustee nominations are from Christopher Phillips, Jon Beer and Mark Cordell. 

I’m particularly pleased for Mark Cordell who has stood twice before, narrowly missing out on election. Last year we invited Mark to take up an Officer role, looking into the recruitment of younger members.  This goes to show that whether you are a Trustee or not, there is no barrier to helping and contributing to the Trust Board.  If you have a specialist skill that you think might be useful to the Board, and you’re prepared to give us some time, then please, get in touch!!!

Finally, I must thank our returning officer, John Street, for once again officiating over the process.  It is vital that the arrangements and verification of nominations are performed independently and so we are hugely grateful to John and his skill and knowledge in this area.

Nick Hawker, Trust chairman.