๐Ÿ“ Grumpies scoop top prize in the Ultimate Quiz

The 'Grumpies' team have won the spring version of the ECFC Ultimate Quiz.

In a tense finish they held on to claim the Flybe ticket vouchers and they are pictured with Trust Chairman, Nick Hawker, showing off their prize. Itโ€™s due reward for patience as they have been competing in the Ultimate Quiz since its inception in 2003. 

Huge thanks go to our sponsors who provided the prizes. Flybe have continuously given us flight vouchers. Lloyds Kitchen donated vouchers to use in their city centre restaurant and St Austell Brewery weighed in with wine and kegs of beer plus brewery tours to complete a healthy pile of prizes.

Once again, the unique format of the quiz, patented by quizmaster Norman Warne, proved immensely popular with those taking part. The league format demands a level of tactical awareness in addition to the topical knowledge to answer the questions, which meant there were plenty of frazzled brains by the final whistle.
Weโ€™re lucky to have the volunteered services of Norman and his team and the club thanks them once again for their time and effort, along with offering congratulations to all prize winners and everyone who took part.

If you fancy having a crack at arguably the best quiz in town, keep an eye out in season 2019/20 when the next version of the quiz will be unveiled. You wonโ€™t find anything else like it!