📝 Lewis and Cameron to lay Wreaths on Saturday as we 'Remember Together'

Following a recent website appeal, two regular City supporters have been chosen to lay the supporters wreath before the minutes silence at Saturday's match against Cheltenham Town.

The decision has been extremely difficult, as it is most years, because the quality of application has once again been so impressive.

Representing the supporters this year will be Lewis Jones and ten-year-old supporter Cameron.

Lewis has been a City regular for over 55 years and is the current secretary of the Thorverton branch of the Royal British Legion. His grandad was a merchant navy seaman and saw active service during the First World War. His uncles were in the navy, one was a submariner and one was in the navy and was torpedoed. His father in law was RAF ground crew in Egypt. His father was a Medic in National Service.

As far as Exeter City is concerned Lewis is a gold member.  He has supported the stars campaign and is a City Foundation investor.  He is a member of the Trust and a Senior Red. Lewis should be well used to the limelight as purely coincidentally he also appeared on film in a recent ‘City&Me’ interview.

Lewis will be assisted by ten-year-old fan Cameron from Tiverton, who wanted to honour his grandad Arthur Perry who passed away in 2001. His grandad did his National Service in the REME and was a standard bearer for the RBL Uffculme Branch for several years.

Club director and Trust Trustee Clive Harrison said on behalf of the Junior Grecians: "By jointly laying the Supporters’ Wreath, Lewis a Senior Red and Cameron a Junior Grecian, perfectly represent Exeter City supporters of all ages as they, and we all 'Remember Together' those who gave selflessly for their country.”

Cameron has been a City Fan since 2016, when Exeter played Blackpool at Wembley it was the same day as His 7th birthday, so he cancelled his birthday party to attend the match.

His Mum Rachel added: “My dad, Cameron’s grandad, would have been very proud indeed. It’s hard after 18 to keep a memory alive, but now it will be done in a truly fantastic way this year.”

Cameron is a member of the Junior Grecians and attends matches with His Brother Brodhi. At school he enjoys History and playing benchball. His favourite players are Jake Taylor, Randell Williams and Matt Jay.

Cameron was recently a member of the Guard of Honour and when he found out he was taking part in the remember together ceremony said: "I feel really proud that I am going to be in the ceremony and I think My Grandad would have been proud too.”

Speaking about the challenge of selecting representatives, club director Elaine Davis said: "The standard of applications were unbelievable and very moving. In Lewis and Cameron we have a really excellent partnership bridging the generations.”

The Remember Together match will have special activities in our Red Square fan one with touchables, a chin-up completion and 'how long can you dangle' provided by the Coldstream Guards and Royal Marines.

The Coldstream Guards will be taking part in the minutes silence wearing their winter dress of grey coats and infamous bearskin hats. 

To buy tickets for the match, please click here.